Yamaha Phazer Carburetors Snowmobile Question: Yamaha Phazer II Doesn't Want To Go Into "neutral" After Riding For A While.

Snowmobile question: Yamaha Phazer II doesn't want to go into "neutral" after riding for a while. - yamaha phazer carburetors

I will run for a while and you'll see and try to advance. Press the power off and try and try again the starter tries to make the runway too. Is it a kind of problem with the clutch?


scott h said...

My friend had that for PhaZer happen. It was so great to deal with a mechanic to repair. This is basically all the bearings are bad and you just have to fix such a way that separates the clutch. Or just need a good lubrication of the clutch to help.

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