Faking Community Service Hours While On Probation Are 3 Months Good To Do 100 Hours Of Community Service Hours For High School?

Are 3 months good to do 100 hours of community service hours for high school? - faking community service hours while on probation

Does the end of November due to 0 hours. Thus, the forgery of a few hours to a few people who know that they ran out and away with it. I know there is risk taker, but I'm willing to take.

PS I hear people have done their hours Cummunity quickly as possible.


George Dalton said...

As a Dane, my stomach tells me to change the school district as soon as possible. I usually pay for my indulgence of taxes, there is no need for municipal services in our society.

In the exchange of students that return from the United States struggle to explain what we hide so much, to have not done what they did, because the courts in the community is something that gives such punishment.

So, to falsify their records to a solution, but the school has to change and a better solution.

DrIG said...

It can be done, but will not be easy. Maybe you can start your community service clock and reduce the burden now. /

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